Academic books on early Greek poetry
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2015-10-24 16:24
2025-3-10 13:02
Allen 1921. The Homeric catalogue of ships (Oxford).pdf 23.7 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Ilias 2.4. Books 22-24 (4. Auflage, 1906).pdf 4.16 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Ilias. Anhang 1. Books 1-3 (2. Auflage, 1877).pdf 25.96 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Ilias. Anhang 1. Books 1-3 (Auflage unknown, date unknown).pdf 5.56 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Ilias. Anhang 2. Books 4-6 (2. Auflage, 1882).pdf 10.01 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Ilias. Anhang 3. Books 7-9 (2. Auflage, 1887).pdf 3.83 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Ilias. Anhang 5. Books 13-15 (2. Auflage, 1897).pdf 3.64 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Ilias. Anhang 6. Books 16-18 (2. Auflage, 1900).pdf 4.47 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Ilias. Anhang 7. Books 19-21 (1883).pdf 4.46 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Ilias. Anhang 8. Books 22-24 (1886).pdf 4.44 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Odyssee. Anhang 1. Books 1-6 (4. Auflage, 1890).pdf 3.61 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Odyssee. Anhang 2. Books 7-12 (3. Auflage, 1889).pdf 3.01 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Odyssee. Anhang 3. Books 13-18 (3. Auflage, 1895).pdf 3.72 MB
Ameis-Hentze, Odyssee. Anhang 4. Books 19-24 (3. Auflage, 1900).pdf 3.46 MB
Athanassakis (ed) 1992. Eros and the woman. Ramus 21.pdf 8.3 MB
Bernabé (ed) 1996. Poetarum epicorum Graecorum testimonia et fragmenta, vol. 1 (Teubner).pdf 14.19 MB
Besslich 1966. Schweigen - Verschweigen - Übergehen (Heidelberg).pdf 8.22 MB
Blok and Lardinois (eds.) 2006. Solon of Athens. New historical and philological approaches (Brill).pdf 2.36 MB
Bloom (ed.) 2007. Homer (Chelsea).pdf 2.08 MB
Boys-Stones and Haubold (eds.) 2010. Plato and Hesiod (Oxford).pdf 1.79 MB
Burgess 2001. The tradition of the Trojan War in Homer and the Epic Cycle (Johns Hopkins).pdf 3.86 MB
Clay 2003. Hesiod's cosmos (Cambridge).pdf 1.83 MB
Cohen (ed.) 1995. The distaff side. Representing the female in Homer's Odyssey (Oxford).pdf 21.6 MB
Cooper (ed.) 2007. Politics of orality (Brill).pdf 1.6 MB
D'Alessio 2005. The Megalai Ehoiai. A survey of the fragments. In Hunter (ed), Hesiodic Catalogue of Women (Cambridge).pdf 2.55 MB
Danek 1998. Epos und Zitat. Studien zu den Quellen der Odyssee (ÖAW).pdf 32.99 MB
David 2006b. The dance of the Muses. Choral theory and ancient Greek poetics (Oxford).pdf 1.09 MB
De Jong and Nünlist (eds) 2007. Time in ancient Greek literature (Brill).pdf 4.26 MB
De Jong et al (eds) 2004. Narrators, narratees, and narratives in ancient Greek literature (Brill).pdf 3.27 MB
Derderian 2001. Leaving words to remember. Greek mourning and the advent of literacy (Brill).pdf 11.53 MB
Dougherty (ed) 1998. Cultural poetics in Archaic Greece. Cult, performance, politics (Oxford).pdf 5.26 MB
Dougherty 1993. The poetics of colonization. From city to text in Archaic Greece (Oxford).pdf 13.23 MB
Dué (ed.) 2009. Recapturing a Homeric legacy. Venetus A (Harvard) (open in SumatraPDF).pdf 6.5 MB
Edwards 2004. Hesiod's Ascra (California).pdf 1.26 MB
Faraone 2008. The stanzaic architecture of early Greek elegy (Oxford).pdf 838.73 KB
Finglass et al (eds) 2007. Hesperos. West Festschrift (Oxford).pdf 1.72 MB
Fowler (ed) 2004. Cambridge companion to Homer.pdf 3.53 MB
Gottschall 2008. The rape of Troy. Evolution, violence, and the world of Homer (Cambridge).pdf 1.38 MB
Graziosi 2002. Inventing Homer. The early reception of epic (Cambridge).pdf 13.16 MB
Graziosi and Greenwood 2007. Homer in the twentieth century (Oxford).pdf 16.26 MB
Hammer 2002. The Iliad as politics. The performance of political thought (Oklahoma).pdf 10.37 MB
Hartmann 1917. Untersuchungen über die Sagen vom Tod des Odysseus (Munich).pdf 10.65 MB
Heiden 2008. Homer's cosmic fabrication. Choice and design in the Iliad (Oxford).pdf 2.35 MB
Higbie 1995. Heroes' names, Homeric identities (Garland).pdf 4.06 MB
Hunter and Rutherford (eds.) 2009. Wandering poets in ancient Greek culture (Cambridge).pdf 2.43 MB
Hutchinson (ed) 2001. Greek lyric poetry, selections (Oxford).pdf 23.18 MB
Irwin 2005. Solon and early Greek poetry. The politics of exhortation (Cambridge).pdf 2.41 MB
Johansson 2012. The birds in the Iliad. Identities, interactions and functions (Gothenburg).pdf 1.54 MB
Kakridis 1949. Homeric researches (Lund).pdf 6.99 MB
Kantzios 2005. the trajectory of Archaic Greek trimeters (Brill).pdf 1.01 MB
Kelly (ed) 2007. A referential commentary and lexicon to Homer, Iliad VIII (Oxford).pdf 2.44 MB
Kim 2010. Homer between history and fiction in Imperial Greek literature (Cambridge).pdf 1.11 MB
King 2009. Ancient epic (Blackwell).pdf 1.4 MB
Kinkel (ed) 1877, Epicorum Graecorum fragmenta, vol. 1 (Teubner).pdf 6.06 MB
Kirchhoff 1859. Die homerische Odyssee und ihre Entstehung (Berlin).pdf 14.93 MB
Kirk (gen ed). Iliad commentary vol. 1. Books 1-4, comm. Kirk 1985 (Cambridge).pdf 10.99 MB
Kirk (gen ed). Iliad commentary vol. 2. Books 5-8, comm. Kirk 1990 (Cambridge).pdf 9.82 MB
Kirk (gen ed). Iliad commentary vol. 3. Books 9-12, comm. Hainsworth 1993 (Cambridge).pdf 11.82 MB
Kirk (gen ed). Iliad commentary vol. 4. Books 13-16, comm. Janko 1994 (Cambridge).pdf 13.71 MB
Kirk (gen ed). Iliad commentary vol. 5. Books 17-20, comm. Edwards 1991 (Cambridge).pdf 11.4 MB
Kirk (gen ed). Iliad commentary vol. 6. Books 21-24, comm. Richardson 1993 (Cambridge).pdf 11.75 MB
Koning 2010. Hesiod. The other poet. Ancient reception of a cultural icon (Brill).pdf 23.98 MB
Konstan and Raaflaub (eds.) 2010. Epic and history (Blackwell).pdf 1.75 MB
Kowalzig 2007. Singing for the gods. Performances of myth and ritual in Archaic and Classical Greece (Oxford).pdf 4.61 MB
Kullmann 1960. Die Quellen der Ilias. Hermes Einzelschr. 14 (Wiesbaden).pdf 20.02 MB
Latacz 2004 [2001]. Troy and Homer (Oxford).pdf 2.84 MB
Leaf (ed) 1900-02. The Iliad, 2nd edition (Macmillan).pdf 64.07 MB
Lord 1960. The singer of tales (Harvard).pdf 10.28 MB
Louden 2006. The Iliad. Structure, myth, and meaning (Johns Hopkins).pdf 3.76 MB
Louden 2011. Homer's Odyssey and the Near East (Cambridge).pdf 2.4 MB
Lowenstam 2008. As witnessed by images. The Trojan War in Greek and Etruscan art (Johns Hopkins).pdf 45.63 MB
MacDonald 1994. Christianizing Homer. The Odyssey, Plato, and the Acts of Andrew (Oxford).pdf 18.87 MB
Mackay (ed) 2008. Orality, literacy, memory in the ancient Greek and Roman world (Brill).pdf 1.65 MB
Maguire 2011. Helen of Troy. From Homer to Hollywood (Blackwell).pdf 1.34 MB
Martin 1989. The language of heroes (Ithaca).pdf 15.03 MB
Marzullo 2009. Il 'miraggio' di Alceo (De Gruyter).pdf 1.36 MB
Miller 2010. Lyric texts and lyric consciousness. The birth of a genre (Routledge).pdf 10.13 MB
Nagy 1996. Homeric questions (Austin, TX).pdf 9.08 MB
Nelson 1998. God and the land. The metaphysics of farming in Hesiod and Vergil (Oxford).pdf 18.04 MB
Olson 1995. Blood and iron. Stories and storytelling in Homer's Odyssey (Leiden).pdf 11.16 MB
Parry 1971. The making of Homeric verse (Oxford).pdf 14.49 MB
Penglase 1994. Greek Myths and Mesopotamia. Parallels and Influence in the Homeric Hymns and Hesiod (Routledge).pdf 2.07 MB
Peradotto 1990. Man in the middle voice. Name and narration in the Odyssey (Princeton).pdf 3.61 MB
Podlecki 1984. The early Greek poets and their times (UBC).pdf 33.51 MB
Powell 2004. Homer (Blackwell).pdf 2.46 MB
Purves 2010. Space and time in ancient Greek narrative (Cambridge).pdf 1.37 MB
Rothe 1914. Die Odyssee als Dichtung und ihr Verhältnis zur Ilias (Paderborn).pdf 5.19 MB
Rotstein 2010. The idea of iambos (Oxford).pdf 1.68 MB
Sadurska 1964. Les tables iliaques (Warsaw).pdf 27.68 MB
Schadewaldt 1975. Der Aufbau der Ilias (Frankfurt).pdf 479.1 KB
Scholia Dindorfiensia in Iliadem, vol. 1. A scholia, 1-12 (ed. Dindorf, 1875).pdf 21.66 MB
Scholia Dindorfiensia in Iliadem, vol. 2. A scholia, 13-24 (ed. Dindorf, 1875).pdf 15.39 MB
Scholia Dindorfiensia in Iliadem, vol. 3. B scholia, 1-12 (ed. Dindorf, 1877).pdf 15.7 MB
Scholia Dindorfiensia in Iliadem, vol. 4. B scholia, 13-24 (ed. Dindorf, 1877).pdf 17.8 MB
Scholia Dindorfiensia in Iliadem, vol. 5. Townleyana, 1-12 (ed. Dindorf-Maass, 1887).pdf 13.18 MB
Scholia Dindorfiensia in Iliadem, vol. 6. Townleyana, 13-24 (ed. Dindorf-Maass, 1888).pdf 13.68 MB
Scholia in Iliadem, D scholia (ed. van Thiel, 2000).pdf 1.47 MB
Scholia in Odysseam, D scholia (ed. Ernst 2006, diss. Köln).pdf 3.71 MB
Scholia in Odysseam, vol. 1 (ed. Dindorf, 1855).pdf 13.93 MB
Scholia in Odysseam, vol. 2 (ed. Dindorf, 1855).pdf 11.24 MB
Scodel 2002. Listening to Homer. Tradition, narrative, and audience (Michigan).pdf 12.39 MB
Scott 1921. The unity of Homer (Berkeley).pdf 12.22 MB
Seeck 1887. Die Quellen der Odyssee (Berlin).pdf 10.3 MB
Severyns 1928. Le cycle épique dans l'école d'Aristarque (Liége, Paris).pdf 17.29 MB
Severyns 1938. Recherches 1. Le codex 239 de Photius. Étude paléographique et critique (Paris).pdf 26.4 MB
Severyns 1938. Recherches 2. Le codex 239 de Photius. Texte, traduction, commentaire (Paris).pdf 15.97 MB
Severyns 1953. Recherches 3. La Vita Homeri et les sommaires du Cycle. Étude paléographique et critique (Paris).pdf 28.06 MB
Severyns 1963. Recherches 4. La Vita Homeri et les sommaires du Cycle. Texte et traduction (Paris).pdf 3.96 MB
Sourvinou-Inwood 1995. 'Reading' Greek death to the end of the Classical period (Oxford).pdf 29.74 MB
Spohn 1816. Commentatio de extrema Odysseae parte (Leipzig).pdf 10.62 MB
Stein 1907. De Procli Chrestomathia grammatica quaestiones selectae (Bonn).pdf 1.17 MB
Steiner and Fagles (eds.) 1962. Homer. A collection of critical essays (Prentice-Hall).pdf 2.09 MB
Thalmann 1984. Conventions of form and thought in early Greek epic poetry (Johns Hopkins).pdf 14.97 MB
Von Kamptz 1982. Homerische Personennamen (Göttingen).pdf 14.29 MB
Welcker 1849. Der epische Cyclus, vol. 2 (1st ed., Bonn). RhM suppl. 1.2.pdf 22.42 MB
Welcker 1865. Der epische Cyclus, vol. 1 (2nd ed., Bonn).pdf 15.27 MB
West (ed) 2003. Greek epic fragments (Loeb).pdf 6.6 MB
Wilamowitz 1916. Die Ilias und Homer (Berlin).pdf 26.73 MB