[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - SQL - MySQL for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:28670e5469d604dc672792ba40f72dd520f5a151&dn=[GigaCourse.Com] Udemy - SQL - MySQL for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
2.88 GB
2024-2-20 06:29
2025-3-22 15:02
01 - Introduction to databases, SQL, and MySQL/001 What does the course cover.mp4 73.65 MB
01 - Introduction to databases, SQL, and MySQL/002 Why SQL.mp4 58.06 MB
01 - Introduction to databases, SQL, and MySQL/003 Why MySQL.mp4 23.71 MB
01 - Introduction to databases, SQL, and MySQL/004 Introduction to databases.mp4 83.52 MB
02 - SQL theory/001 SQL as a declarative language.mp4 7.08 MB
02 - SQL theory/002 Data definition language (DDL).mp4 9.09 MB
02 - SQL theory/003 SQL keywords.mp4 2.46 MB
02 - SQL theory/004 Data manipulation language (DML).mp4 10.7 MB
02 - SQL theory/005 Data control language (DCL).mp4 13.55 MB
02 - SQL theory/006 Transaction control language (TCL).mp4 9.12 MB
03 - Basic database terminology/001 Relational database essentials.mp4 91.73 MB
03 - Basic database terminology/002 Databases vs spreadsheets.mp4 141.25 MB
03 - Basic database terminology/003 Database terminology.mp4 13.34 MB
03 - Basic database terminology/004 Relational schemas - Primary key.mp4 14.38 MB
03 - Basic database terminology/005 Relational schemas - Foreign key.mp4 11.85 MB
03 - Basic database terminology/006 Relational schemas - Unique key and null values.mp4 7 MB
03 - Basic database terminology/007 Relationships.mp4 13.22 MB
04 - Installing MySQL and getting acquainted with the interface/001 Installing MySQL.mp4 60.22 MB
04 - Installing MySQL and getting acquainted with the interface/005 Setting up a connection.mp4 6.43 MB
04 - Installing MySQL and getting acquainted with the interface/007 New Authentication Plugin - Creating a New User.mp4 19.07 MB
04 - Installing MySQL and getting acquainted with the interface/008 Introduction to the MySQL interface.mp4 14.08 MB
05 - First steps in SQL/001 Creating a Database - Part I.mp4 20.27 MB
05 - First steps in SQL/005 Creating a Database - Part II.mp4 6.03 MB
05 - First steps in SQL/008 Introduction to data types.mp4 4.81 MB
05 - First steps in SQL/009 String data types.mp4 11.15 MB
05 - First steps in SQL/010 Integers.mp4 15.27 MB
05 - First steps in SQL/011 Fixed and floating-point data types.mp4 18.64 MB
05 - First steps in SQL/012 Other useful data types.mp4 13.96 MB
05 - First steps in SQL/013 Creating a table.mp4 16.35 MB
05 - First steps in SQL/016 Using databases and tables.mp4 9.15 MB
05 - First steps in SQL/019 Additional notes on using tables.mp4 7.23 MB
06 - MySQL constraints/001 PRIMARY KEY constraint.mp4 17.68 MB
06 - MySQL constraints/004 FOREIGN KEY constraint - Part I.mp4 17.74 MB
06 - MySQL constraints/005 FOREIGN KEY constraint - Part II.mp4 21.33 MB
06 - MySQL constraints/008 UNIQUE Constraint.mp4 13.49 MB
06 - MySQL constraints/010 DEFAULT Constraint.mp4 14.72 MB
06 - MySQL constraints/013 NOT NULL Constraint - Part I.mp4 34.63 MB
06 - MySQL constraints/016 NOT NULL Constraint - Part II.mp4 4.26 MB
07 - SQL best practices/001 Coding techniques and best practices - Part I.mp4 13.78 MB
07 - SQL best practices/002 Coding techniques and best practices - Part II.mp4 11.55 MB
08 - Loading the 'employees' database/001 Loading the 'employees' database.mp4 8.06 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/001 SELECT - FROM.mp4 15.15 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/004 WHERE.mp4 16.98 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/007 AND.mp4 5.67 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/010 OR.mp4 10.59 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/013 Operator precedence.mp4 10.22 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/016 IN - NOT IN.mp4 9.85 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/021 LIKE - NOT LIKE.mp4 10.89 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/024 Wildcard characters.mp4 3.72 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/027 BETWEEN - AND.mp4 5.48 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/030 IS NOT NULL - IS NULL.mp4 4.54 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/033 Other comparison operators.mp4 16.33 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/036 SELECT DISTINCT.mp4 7.65 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/039 Introduction to aggregate functions.mp4 14.59 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/042 ORDER BY.mp4 12.05 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/045 GROUP BY.mp4 24.3 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/046 Using Aliases (AS).mp4 6.76 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/049 HAVING.mp4 12.66 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/052 WHERE vs HAVING- Part I.mp4 27.24 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/053 WHERE vs HAVING- Part II.mp4 17.84 MB
09 - SQL SELECT statement/056 LIMIT.mp4 18.67 MB
10 - SQL INSERT statement/001 The INSERT statement - Part I.mp4 21.41 MB
10 - SQL INSERT statement/002 The INSERT statement - Part II.mp4 7.32 MB
10 - SQL INSERT statement/007 Inserting data INTO a new table.mp4 11.72 MB
11 - SQL UPDATE Statement/001 TCL's COMMIT and ROLLBACK.mp4 9.59 MB
11 - SQL UPDATE Statement/002 The UPDATE Statement - Part I.mp4 9.72 MB
11 - SQL UPDATE Statement/004 The UPDATE Statement - Part II.mp4 8.74 MB
12 - SQL DELETE Statement/001 The DELETE Statement - Part I.mp4 12.75 MB
12 - SQL DELETE Statement/002 The DELETE Statement - Part II.mp4 5.58 MB
12 - SQL DELETE Statement/005 DROP vs TRUNCATE vs DELETE.mp4 7.63 MB
13 - MySQL - Aggregate functions/001 COUNT().mp4 19.12 MB
13 - MySQL - Aggregate functions/004 SUM().mp4 3.81 MB
13 - MySQL - Aggregate functions/007 MIN() and MAX().mp4 3.52 MB
13 - MySQL - Aggregate functions/010 AVG().mp4 6.6 MB
13 - MySQL - Aggregate functions/013 ROUND().mp4 6.01 MB
13 - MySQL - Aggregate functions/017 IFNULL() and COALESCE().mp4 28.08 MB
13 - MySQL - Aggregate functions/018 Another Example of Using COALESCE().mp4 4.13 MB
14 - SQL Joins/001 Introduction to JOINs.mp4 21.64 MB
14 - SQL Joins/005 INNER JOIN - Part I.mp4 13.8 MB
14 - SQL Joins/006 INNER JOIN - Part II.mp4 26.2 MB
14 - SQL Joins/009 A Note on Using Joins.mp4 13.32 MB
14 - SQL Joins/010 Duplicate Records.mp4 16.78 MB
14 - SQL Joins/011 LEFT JOIN - Part I.mp4 20.44 MB
14 - SQL Joins/012 LEFT JOIN - Part II.mp4 20.78 MB
14 - SQL Joins/015 RIGHT JOIN.mp4 24.52 MB
14 - SQL Joins/016 The new and the old join syntax.mp4 14.49 MB
14 - SQL Joins/019 JOIN and WHERE Used Together.mp4 18.88 MB
14 - SQL Joins/023 CROSS JOIN.mp4 31.13 MB
14 - SQL Joins/028 Using Aggregate Functions with Joins.mp4 8.62 MB
14 - SQL Joins/029 JOIN more than two tables in SQL.mp4 12.65 MB
14 - SQL Joins/032 Tips and tricks for joins.mp4 36.77 MB
14 - SQL Joins/035 UNION vs UNION ALL.mp4 15.25 MB
15 - SQL Subqueries/001 SQL Subqueries with IN nested inside WHERE.mp4 12.18 MB
15 - SQL Subqueries/004 SQL Subqueries with EXISTS-NOT EXISTS nested inside WHERE.mp4 9.76 MB
15 - SQL Subqueries/007 SQL Subqueries nested in SELECT and FROM.mp4 32.84 MB
16 - SQL Self Join/001 Self Join.mp4 47.25 MB
17 - SQL Views/001 Views.mp4 20.65 MB
18 - Stored routines/001 Introduction to stored routines.mp4 8.12 MB
18 - Stored routines/002 The MySQL syntax for stored procedures.mp4 25.16 MB
18 - Stored routines/003 Stored procedures - Example - Part I.mp4 7.68 MB
18 - Stored routines/004 Stored procedures - Example - Part II.mp4 14.41 MB
18 - Stored routines/007 Another way to create a procedure.mp4 10.13 MB
18 - Stored routines/008 Stored procedures with an input parameter.mp4 19.4 MB
18 - Stored routines/009 Stored procedures with an output parameter.mp4 12.54 MB
18 - Stored routines/012 Variables.mp4 22.46 MB
18 - Stored routines/015 User-defined functions in MySQL.mp4 43.93 MB
18 - Stored routines/019 Stored routines - conclusion.mp4 11.37 MB
19 - Advanced SQL Topics/001 Types of MySQL Variables - Local Variables.mp4 17.9 MB
19 - Advanced SQL Topics/002 Session Variables.mp4 16.13 MB
19 - Advanced SQL Topics/003 Global Variables.mp4 6.57 MB
19 - Advanced SQL Topics/004 User-Defined vs System Variables.mp4 30.4 MB
19 - Advanced SQL Topics/006 MySQL Triggers.mp4 43.46 MB
19 - Advanced SQL Topics/009 MySQL Indexes.mp4 26.42 MB
19 - Advanced SQL Topics/014 The CASE Statement.mp4 22.73 MB
20 - SQL Window Functions/001 Introduction to MySQL Window Functions.mp4 4.65 MB
20 - SQL Window Functions/002 The ROW_NUMBER() Ranking Window Function and the Relevant MySQL Syntax.mp4 59.47 MB
20 - SQL Window Functions/005 A Note on Using Several Window Functions in a Query.mp4 10.31 MB
20 - SQL Window Functions/008 MySQL Window Functions Syntax.mp4 12.88 MB
20 - SQL Window Functions/011 The PARTITION BY Clause VS the GROUP BY Clause.mp4 18.53 MB
20 - SQL Window Functions/014 The MySQL RANK() and DENSE_RANK() Window Functions.mp4 27.87 MB
20 - SQL Window Functions/017 Working with MySQL Ranking Window Functions and Joins Together.mp4 35.48 MB
20 - SQL Window Functions/020 The LAG() and LEAD() Value Window Functions.mp4 35.34 MB
20 - SQL Window Functions/023 MySQL Aggregate Functions in the Context of Window Functions - Part I.mp4 34.18 MB
20 - SQL Window Functions/026 MySQL Aggregate Functions in the Context of Window Functions - Part II.mp4 43.52 MB
21 - SQL Common Table Expressions (CTEs)/001 MySQL Common Table Expressions - Introduction.mp4 49.22 MB
21 - SQL Common Table Expressions (CTEs)/002 An Alternative Solution to the Same Task.mp4 8.45 MB
21 - SQL Common Table Expressions (CTEs)/005 Using Multiple Subclauses in a WITH Clause - Part I.mp4 24.55 MB
21 - SQL Common Table Expressions (CTEs)/006 Using Multiple Subclauses in a WITH Clause - Part II.mp4 21.19 MB
21 - SQL Common Table Expressions (CTEs)/009 Referring to Common Table Expressions in a WITH Clause.mp4 16.68 MB
22 - SQL Temporary Tables/001 MySQL Temporary Tables - Introduction.mp4 10.69 MB
22 - SQL Temporary Tables/002 MySQL Temporary Tables in Action.mp4 29.65 MB
22 - SQL Temporary Tables/005 Other Features of MySQL Temporary Tables.mp4 33.16 MB
23 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Introduction/001 The Advantages of Software Integration.mp4 56.38 MB
23 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Introduction/002 Why Combining SQL and Tableau is useful.mp4 14.71 MB
23 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Introduction/003 Installing Tableau Public.mp4 7.1 MB
23 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Introduction/004 Loading the 'employees_mod' Database.mp4 16.49 MB
24 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 1/001 Task 1.mp4 13.81 MB
24 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 1/004 Task 1 SQL Solution.mp4 20.11 MB
24 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 1/006 Transferring a Dataset from SQL to Tableau.mp4 12.74 MB
24 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 1/007 Chart 1 Visualizing and Analyzing the Solution in Tableau - Part I.mp4 15.87 MB
24 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 1/008 Chart 1 Visualizing and Analyzing the Solution in Tableau - Part II.mp4 19.84 MB
25 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 2/001 Task 2.mp4 8.8 MB
25 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 2/003 Task 2 SQL Solution.mp4 11.46 MB
25 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 2/005 Chart 2 Visualizing and Analyzing the Solution in Tableau.mp4 30.02 MB
26 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 3/001 Task 3.mp4 5 MB
26 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 3/003 Task 3 SQL Solution.mp4 14.3 MB
26 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 3/005 Chart 3 Visualizing and Analyzing the Solution in Tableau.mp4 18.79 MB
27 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 4/001 Task 4.mp4 8.67 MB
27 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 4/003 Task 4 Solution in SQL.mp4 12.98 MB
27 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 4/005 Chart 4 Visualizing and Analyzing the Solution in Tableau.mp4 8.67 MB
28 - Combining SQL and Tableau - Task 5/001 Task 5 Organizing Charts 1-4 into a Beautiful Dashboard using Tableau.mp4 41.73 MB