[Udemy] Your 2nd JavaScript Course Advanced Concepts and Algorithms (2022) [EN]
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3.46 GB
2023-3-17 14:41
2025-3-2 05:06
01 - Fill up knowledge loopholes var, let, const, hoisting, temporal dead zone/001 Everything you need to know about VAR.mp4 29.56 MB
01 - Fill up knowledge loopholes var, let, const, hoisting, temporal dead zone/002 Everything you need to know about LET.mp4 12.63 MB
01 - Fill up knowledge loopholes var, let, const, hoisting, temporal dead zone/003 Constant.mp4 6.86 MB
01 - Fill up knowledge loopholes var, let, const, hoisting, temporal dead zone/004 TDZ Temporal Dead Zone.mp4 8.24 MB
01 - Fill up knowledge loopholes var, let, const, hoisting, temporal dead zone/005 Real-life application of LET.mp4 24.99 MB
02 - Fill up knowledge loopholes function hoisting, arguments, caller, callee, THIS/001 Who has the highest priority Variable name, function name or argument name.mp4 22.09 MB
02 - Fill up knowledge loopholes function hoisting, arguments, caller, callee, THIS/002 Arguments, caller, callee.mp4 24.58 MB
02 - Fill up knowledge loopholes function hoisting, arguments, caller, callee, THIS/003 Three ways to redirecting THIS of a funciton.mp4 22.6 MB
02 - Fill up knowledge loopholes function hoisting, arguments, caller, callee, THIS/004 Higher-order function and currying.mp4 18.61 MB
02 - Fill up knowledge loopholes function hoisting, arguments, caller, callee, THIS/005 Currying and closure.mp4 15.31 MB
03 - Closure and arrow function/001 Closure.mp4 10.34 MB
03 - Closure and arrow function/002 Real-life application of Closure.mp4 11.37 MB
03 - Closure and arrow function/003 Syntax of arrow function.mp4 18.57 MB
03 - Closure and arrow function/004 THIS in an arrow function.mp4 12.37 MB
03 - Closure and arrow function/005 Application of arrow function.mp4 17.47 MB
04 - Destructure the 'fancy' way of setting variable values/001 Destructure array.mp4 19.43 MB
04 - Destructure the 'fancy' way of setting variable values/002 Destructure object.mp4 25.08 MB
04 - Destructure the 'fancy' way of setting variable values/003 Destructure string.mp4 10.32 MB
04 - Destructure the 'fancy' way of setting variable values/004 Destructure number, boolean, null and undefined.mp4 15.39 MB
04 - Destructure the 'fancy' way of setting variable values/005 Destructure function arguments.mp4 15.48 MB
05 - ES6 new syntax Map and Set/001 Map basics.mp4 23.48 MB
05 - ES6 new syntax Map and Set/002 Iterate over MAP using FOR OF.mp4 15.5 MB
05 - ES6 new syntax Map and Set/003 SET basics.mp4 15.16 MB
05 - ES6 new syntax Map and Set/004 Application of SET.mp4 12.72 MB
06 - ES6 new syntax Symbol/001 Introduction to Symbol.mp4 7.99 MB
06 - ES6 new syntax Symbol/002 How to create a Symbol value.mp4 8.4 MB
06 - ES6 new syntax Symbol/003 Symbol.for().mp4 8.8 MB
06 - ES6 new syntax Symbol/004 Use Symbol value as the property name.mp4 9.86 MB
06 - ES6 new syntax Symbol/005 Well-known Symbol.mp4 27.49 MB
07 - ES6 new syntax Iterator and generator/001 The iteration protocol the iterable protocol and the iterator protocol.mp4 20.94 MB
07 - ES6 new syntax Iterator and generator/002 Create your own iterator.mp4 26.56 MB
07 - ES6 new syntax Iterator and generator/003 Generator.mp4 19.51 MB
07 - ES6 new syntax Iterator and generator/004 Application of generator.mp4 28.6 MB
07 - ES6 new syntax Iterator and generator/005 The next() method.mp4 21.6 MB
07 - ES6 new syntax Iterator and generator/006 yield.mp4 7.86 MB
08 - ES6 new syntax Promise/001 Introduction to Promise.mp4 34.87 MB
08 - ES6 new syntax Promise/002 The Promise constructor.mp4 27.3 MB
08 - ES6 new syntax Promise/003 The application of Promise.mp4 20.99 MB
08 - ES6 new syntax Promise/004 The then_able object.mp4 14.59 MB
08 - ES6 new syntax Promise/005 Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject().mp4 14.65 MB
08 - ES6 new syntax Promise/006 Limits of Promise.resolve() and Promise.reject().mp4 18.04 MB
08 - ES6 new syntax Promise/007 Process several promises together .all(), .allSettled() and .race().mp4 42.92 MB
09 - ES6 new syntax async await/001 async await.mp4 29.63 MB
09 - ES6 new syntax async await/002 async await supplement.mp4 9.78 MB
10 - ES6 new syntax Reflect and Proxy/001 Reflect and its methods.mp4 22.19 MB
10 - ES6 new syntax Reflect and Proxy/002 What is Proxy.mp4 28.32 MB
10 - ES6 new syntax Reflect and Proxy/003 Create private properties using the GET trap.mp4 12.88 MB
10 - ES6 new syntax Reflect and Proxy/004 The SET trap.mp4 15.19 MB
10 - ES6 new syntax Reflect and Proxy/005 The has and deleteProperty trap.mp4 20.76 MB
10 - ES6 new syntax Reflect and Proxy/006 Use a proxy object as the prototype.mp4 34.45 MB
10 - ES6 new syntax Reflect and Proxy/007 The defineProperty trap.mp4 43.14 MB
10 - ES6 new syntax Reflect and Proxy/008 The apply trap.mp4 14.23 MB
10 - ES6 new syntax Reflect and Proxy/009 The constructor trap.mp4 15.12 MB
10 - ES6 new syntax Reflect and Proxy/010 Revocable proxy.mp4 13.22 MB
10 - ES6 new syntax Reflect and Proxy/011 Real-life Application.mp4 67.86 MB
11 - JSON/001 JSON.mp4 81.47 MB
12 - CommonJS/001 Introduction to CommonJS.mp4 22.87 MB
12 - CommonJS/002 The mechanism of CommonJS the module object.mp4 14.71 MB
12 - CommonJS/003 Circular dependency.mp4 14.12 MB
12 - CommonJS/004 How CommonJS handles cache require.cache.mp4 24.57 MB
13 - ES6 Module import export/001 ES6 import and export.mp4 6.92 MB
13 - ES6 Module import export/002 How to 'import'.mp4 9.37 MB
13 - ES6 Module import export/003 Named export.mp4 26.5 MB
13 - ES6 Module import export/004 Default export.mp4 13.98 MB
13 - ES6 Module import export/005 The difference between named export and dynamic export dynamic reference.mp4 14.08 MB
13 - ES6 Module import export/006 Use ESM in browser.mp4 16.2 MB
14 - The strict mode/001 How to enable the strict mode.mp4 17.76 MB
14 - The strict mode/002 Changes brought by the strict mode.mp4 15.38 MB
15 - The Object prototype chain and the prototypal inheritance/001 __proto__.mp4 9.95 MB
15 - The Object prototype chain and the prototypal inheritance/002 The prototype property of a constructor.mp4 27.96 MB
15 - The Object prototype chain and the prototypal inheritance/003 How our own constructor uses the prototype chain.mp4 11.36 MB
15 - The Object prototype chain and the prototypal inheritance/004 Real-life application of prototype chain.mp4 23.35 MB
16 - The Object Constructor and its methods/001 Introduction to the Object constructor.mp4 11.62 MB
16 - The Object Constructor and its methods/002 Object.values(), Object.keys(), Object.entries(), Object.is().mp4 14.73 MB
16 - The Object Constructor and its methods/003 Object.setPrototypeOf() and Object.assign().mp4 20.2 MB
16 - The Object Constructor and its methods/004 Object.create() Part 1.mp4 8.59 MB
16 - The Object Constructor and its methods/005 Object.create() Part 2.mp4 13.39 MB
16 - The Object Constructor and its methods/006 Property attributes.mp4 14.6 MB
16 - The Object Constructor and its methods/007 The descriptor object.mp4 10.33 MB
16 - The Object Constructor and its methods/008 Create properties with customized attributes.mp4 10.06 MB
16 - The Object Constructor and its methods/009 Object.preventExtensions().mp4 15.87 MB
16 - The Object Constructor and its methods/010 Object.seal().mp4 13.89 MB
16 - The Object Constructor and its methods/011 Object.freeze().mp4 12.08 MB
17 - Accessor and its application two-way data binding/001 Getter and Setter introduction.mp4 11.94 MB
17 - Accessor and its application two-way data binding/002 Create accessors using Object.defineProperty().mp4 10.64 MB
17 - Accessor and its application two-way data binding/003 Two-way data binding using getter and setter.mp4 8.58 MB
18 - Constructor/001 How to define your own constructor function.mp4 30.36 MB
18 - Constructor/002 Prototype and static properties and methods.mp4 24.55 MB
18 - Constructor/003 Review, comparison and summary.mp4 37.02 MB
18 - Constructor/004 Private properties in constructors.mp4 12.83 MB
18 - Constructor/005 How to define getter and setter in a constructor.mp4 13.66 MB
19 - Class/001 Class introduction.mp4 19.07 MB
19 - Class/002 How to define properties.mp4 30.43 MB
19 - Class/003 How to define methods instance, prototype and static.mp4 17.23 MB
19 - Class/004 Fields.mp4 18.95 MB
19 - Class/005 Private properties in classes.mp4 9.28 MB
20 - Extending classes/001 Extend properties.mp4 27.64 MB
20 - Extending classes/002 Extend methods.mp4 13.68 MB
20 - Extending classes/003 Application extending the Array() constructor.mp4 18.1 MB
20 - Extending classes/004 static get [Symbol.species].mp4 11.25 MB
20 - Extending classes/005 new.target control the instantiation location.mp4 7.66 MB
20 - Extending classes/006 Make the parent class 'un-newable'.mp4 15.07 MB
20 - Extending classes/007 Mixin.mp4 20.05 MB
21 - Stack, queue, heap, process, thread, recursion, macro and micro task/001 Data structure Queue, Stack, and Heap.mp4 15.5 MB
21 - Stack, queue, heap, process, thread, recursion, macro and micro task/002 Thread and Process, sync and async, blocking and non-blocking.mp4 32.56 MB
21 - Stack, queue, heap, process, thread, recursion, macro and micro task/003 Recursion and stack overflow.mp4 19.34 MB
21 - Stack, queue, heap, process, thread, recursion, macro and micro task/004 Macro tasks, micro tasks, and their queues.mp4 20.34 MB
22 - Event loop and task queue/001 Event loop, micro task queue, macro task queue.mp4 46.9 MB
22 - Event loop and task queue/002 Interview challenges predict the result of the following programs.mp4 33.56 MB
22 - Event loop and task queue/003 process.nextTick().mp4 4.8 MB
23 - Tail call optimization one frame in stack at a time/001 What is tail call optimization.mp4 14.77 MB
23 - Tail call optimization one frame in stack at a time/002 Real-life application of tail call optimization.mp4 32.42 MB
24 - Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism/001 Encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism.mp4 19.96 MB
24 - Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism/002 Differences between a primitive prop. value and a reference-type prop. value.mp4 18.58 MB
24 - Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism/003 Douglas Crawford's program recreate Object.create().mp4 8.11 MB
24 - Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism/004 The creative combination of a constructor and the call or apply method.mp4 6.13 MB
24 - Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism/005 The genius combination of two constructors.mp4 7.53 MB
24 - Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism/006 Parasitic inheritance.mp4 14.44 MB
25 - Deep and shallow object copy/001 instanceof and typeof.mp4 14.38 MB
25 - Deep and shallow object copy/002 'Shallow copy an object.mp4 16.05 MB
25 - Deep and shallow object copy/003 Deep copy an object.mp4 37.18 MB
25 - Deep and shallow object copy/004 Deep assign an object into another one.mp4 23.7 MB
26 - Garbage collection and circular dependency/001 JavaScript garbage collection and memory leak.mp4 11.55 MB
26 - Garbage collection and circular dependency/002 Circular reference, reference counting and mark and sweep.mp4 7.25 MB
27 - Basic computing knowledge/001 Bit, byte, word, memory address and byte addressing.mp4 14.99 MB
27 - Basic computing knowledge/002 Basic encoding knowledge.mp4 23.94 MB
27 - Basic computing knowledge/003 Memory address and byte addressing.mp4 11.13 MB
27 - Basic computing knowledge/004 Bit width.mp4 18.85 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/001 Array basics.mp4 20.68 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/002 How does an array affect THIS in a function or method.mp4 14.24 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/003 Concatenate two arrays, operating the first and last element.mp4 9.11 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/004 Remove duplicated elements using two methods.mp4 16.86 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/005 Check the entire array and find the matching element.mp4 18.21 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/006 How to remove and replace designated elements and retrieve an array segment.mp4 12.04 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/007 How to find the max and min element and how to reorganize array elements.mp4 13.53 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/008 Array with holes.mp4 12.68 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/010 String basics.mp4 5.55 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/011 Calculating word count using the split() method.mp4 11.63 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/012 Extract a section of a string.mp4 12.25 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/013 Replace a section of a string.mp4 17.46 MB
28 - Array and string related interview questions/014 Highlight selected texts.mp4 13.39 MB
29 - Data type related interview questions/001 Data types in JavaScript.mp4 5.9 MB
29 - Data type related interview questions/002 Type coercion, wrapper object, explicit and implicit typecasting.mp4 13.34 MB
29 - Data type related interview questions/003 Compare NULL, undefined, and NaN.mp4 8.52 MB
30 - Check data type/001 The problems with typeof and instanceof.mp4 15.83 MB
30 - Check data type/002 Create a data type checker by combining typeof and instanceof.mp4 26.34 MB
30 - Check data type/003 Checking data type using the constructor property.mp4 9.16 MB
30 - Check data type/004 Checking data type using the toString method and the call or apply method.mp4 17.59 MB
31 - Scope-related interview questions/001 Scope chain and closure.mp4 15 MB
31 - Scope-related interview questions/002 Lexical scoping vs. dynamic scoping.mp4 7.01 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/001 Switching two variable values without creating a new variable.mp4 4.49 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/002 Count how many times each character of a string has been used.mp4 9.63 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/003 Find the most and least frequently used character.mp4 12.44 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/004 Count words.mp4 21.55 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/005 Find the most and least frequently words.mp4 24.5 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/006 Bubble sorting introduction.mp4 14.8 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/007 Bubble sorting application.mp4 25.01 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/008 Bubble sort backwards.mp4 14.39 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/009 Reorganize array elements in ascending and descending order using bubble sorting.mp4 15.59 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/010 Improve the bubble sorting program by ending the loop at the earliest timing.mp4 23.86 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/011 The problem with the inner FOR loop.mp4 17.99 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/012 Avoid unnecessary comparisons using rightSortBorder.mp4 31.31 MB
32 - Bubble sorting algorithm (SUPER DETAILED)/013 LeftSortBorder avoiding unnecessary comparisons while iterating backwards.mp4 11.99 MB
33 - Cocktail sorting/001 Cocktail sorting.mp4 33.43 MB
33 - Cocktail sorting/002 Add the left and right sort border to avoid unnecessary comparisons.mp4 32.85 MB
34 - Quick sorting/001 Quick sorting introduction.mp4 20.36 MB
34 - Quick sorting/002 Quick sorting demo.mp4 23.44 MB
35 - Counting sorting/001 Counting sorting introduction.mp4 18.25 MB
35 - Counting sorting/002 Deal with duplicated elements.mp4 15.25 MB
35 - Counting sorting/003 Improve efficiency Part 1.mp4 18.92 MB
35 - Counting sorting/004 Improve efficiency Part 2.mp4 22.32 MB
36 - Insertion sorting/001 Insertion sorting introduction.mp4 10.2 MB
36 - Insertion sorting/002 Insertion sort demo.mp4 24.16 MB
37 - Bucket sorting/001 Bucket sorting introduction.mp4 50.47 MB
37 - Bucket sorting/002 Bucket sorting demo.mp4 43.26 MB
38 - Selection sorting/001 Selection sort introduction.mp4 8.93 MB
38 - Selection sorting/002 Selection sort demo.mp4 20.45 MB
39 - Time and space complexity big O notation/001 Time and space complexity big O notation.mp4 36.67 MB
40 - Data structure with JavaScript/001 Linear structures and how they are stored in memory.mp4 43.52 MB
40 - Data structure with JavaScript/002 Non-linear data structure.mp4 25.98 MB
41 - Binary heap and its application heap sorting/001 How to realize binary heap in JavaScript.mp4 16.17 MB
41 - Binary heap and its application heap sorting/002 Realize the binary heap structure using JavaScript codes.mp4 20.24 MB
41 - Binary heap and its application heap sorting/003 The heap sorting algorithm intro.mp4 8.29 MB
41 - Binary heap and its application heap sorting/004 The heap sorting algorithm demo.mp4 14.38 MB
42 - The Observer Pattern/001 Introduction to the Observer pattern.mp4 21.57 MB
42 - The Observer Pattern/002 Managing several page elements using the Observer pattern.mp4 16.21 MB
42 - The Observer Pattern/003 Two-way data binding using the Observer pattern.mp4 8.58 MB
43 - Things you don't know about the FOR loop/001 The two shocking forms of FOR loop.mp4 29.67 MB
43 - Things you don't know about the FOR loop/002 Challenge iterating over the array backwards.mp4 16.94 MB