[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Modern JavaScript (from Novice to Ninja)
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:be612fe9b49cfe0b14a7be37f8115895c2f24238&dn=[DesireCourse.Net] Udemy - Modern JavaScript (from Novice to Ninja)
8.48 GB
2022-2-8 17:45
2024-12-27 01:20
1. Introduction/1. Why You Should Take This Course.mp4 29.37 MB
1. Introduction/2. Why JavaScript is Amazing.mp4 16.63 MB
1. Introduction/3. Setting up Your Environment.mp4 50.02 MB
1. Introduction/4. Course Files.mp4 13.21 MB
10. Project - Todo List/1. Project Preview and Setup.mp4 23.46 MB
10. Project - Todo List/2. HTML & CSS Template.mp4 65.91 MB
10. Project - Todo List/3. Adding Todos.mp4 60.45 MB
10. Project - Todo List/4. Deleting Todos.mp4 34.31 MB
10. Project - Todo List/5. Searching & Filtering Todos.mp4 154.18 MB
11. Dates & Times/1. Dates & Times in JavaScript.mp4 50.59 MB
11. Dates & Times/2. Timestamps & Comparisons.mp4 45.08 MB
11. Dates & Times/3. Building a Digital Clock.mp4 42.15 MB
11. Dates & Times/4. Date-fns Library.mp4 67.68 MB
12. Async JavaScript/1. What is Asynchronous JavaScript.mp4 35.56 MB
12. Async JavaScript/10. Chaining Promises.mp4 49.09 MB
12. Async JavaScript/11. The Fetch API.mp4 41.85 MB
12. Async JavaScript/12. Async & Await.mp4 82.01 MB
12. Async JavaScript/13. Throwing & Catching Errors.mp4 35.34 MB
12. Async JavaScript/2. Async Code in Action.mp4 12.9 MB
12. Async JavaScript/3. What are HTTP Requests.mp4 23.46 MB
12. Async JavaScript/4. Making HTTP Requests (XHR).mp4 50.55 MB
12. Async JavaScript/5. Response Status.mp4 55.39 MB
12. Async JavaScript/6. Callback Functions.mp4 70.85 MB
12. Async JavaScript/7. JSON Data.mp4 51.83 MB
12. Async JavaScript/8. Callback Hell.mp4 47.77 MB
12. Async JavaScript/9. Promise Basics.mp4 97.24 MB
13. Project - Weather App/1. Project Preview & Setup.mp4 31.08 MB
13. Project - Weather App/10. Weather Icons & images.mp4 94.48 MB
13. Project - Weather App/11. Ternary Operator.mp4 32.12 MB
13. Project - Weather App/2. HTML & CSS Template.mp4 88.59 MB
13. Project - Weather App/3. AccuWeather API.mp4 52.84 MB
13. Project - Weather App/4. Get City API Call.mp4 72.96 MB
13. Project - Weather App/5. Get Weather API Call.mp4 81.87 MB
13. Project - Weather App/6. Updating the Location.mp4 81.19 MB
13. Project - Weather App/7. Object Shorthand Notation.mp4 16.2 MB
13. Project - Weather App/8. Updating the UI.mp4 73.18 MB
13. Project - Weather App/9. Destructuring.mp4 31.59 MB
14. Local Storage/1. What is Local Storage.mp4 27.16 MB
14. Local Storage/2. Storing & Getting Data.mp4 42.6 MB
14. Local Storage/3. Deleting Storage Data.mp4 20.26 MB
14. Local Storage/4. Stringifying & Parsing Data.mp4 29.65 MB
14. Local Storage/5. Updating the Weather App.mp4 43.69 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/1. What is OOP.mp4 49.33 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/10. Prototypal Inheritance.mp4 92.34 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/11. Built-in Objects.mp4 32.68 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/12. Making a Forecast Class (weather app).mp4 119.92 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/2. Object Literal Recap.mp4 36.42 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/3. Classes.mp4 26.94 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/4. Class Constructors.mp4 32.23 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/5. Class Methods & Method Chaining.mp4 69.66 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/6. Class Inheritance (subclasses).mp4 75.69 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/7. Super( ).mp4 40.24 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/8. Constructors (under the hood).mp4 42.22 MB
15. Object Oriented JavaScript/9. Prototype Model.mp4 89.27 MB
16. Databases (Firebase)/1. NoSQL Databases.mp4 20.9 MB
16. Databases (Firebase)/2. Firebase & Firestore.mp4 71.41 MB
16. Databases (Firebase)/3. Connecting to Firestore.mp4 57.8 MB
16. Databases (Firebase)/4. Getting Collections.mp4 80.94 MB
16. Databases (Firebase)/5. Saving Documents.mp4 63.9 MB
16. Databases (Firebase)/6. Deleting Documents.mp4 83.51 MB
16. Databases (Firebase)/7. Real-time Listeners.mp4 99.18 MB
16. Databases (Firebase)/8. Unsubscribing.mp4 36.34 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/1. Project Preview & Setup.mp4 27.43 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/10. Sending New Chats.mp4 55.75 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/11. Changing Username & Local Storage.mp4 146.36 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/12. Updating the Room.mp4 82.24 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/13. Testing the App.mp4 24.8 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/2. HTML Template.mp4 59.21 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/3. Connecting to Firebase.mp4 49.39 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/4. Chatroom Class & Adding Chats.mp4 77.08 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/5. Setting up a Real-time Listener.mp4 52.9 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/6. Complex Queries.mp4 54.29 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/7. Updating the Room & Username.mp4 80.69 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/8. Creating a ChatUI Class.mp4 77.49 MB
17. Project - Real-time Chatroom/9. Formatting the Dates.mp4 30.12 MB
18. More ES6 Features/1. Spread & Rest.mp4 48.33 MB
18. More ES6 Features/2. Sets.mp4 57.7 MB
18. More ES6 Features/3. Symbols.mp4 24.36 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/1. Modern Feature Support.mp4 33.67 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/10. Default Exports.mp4 64.31 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/11. Watching for Changes.mp4 17.18 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/12. The Webpack Dev Server.mp4 53.99 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/13. Production & Development Modes.mp4 49.79 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/14. Babel & Webpack Together.mp4 69.06 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/15. Webpack Boilerplate.mp4 44.86 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/2. An Introduction to Babel.mp4 36.59 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/3. Installing Node.js & Babel.mp4 74.49 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/4. Using the Babel CLI.mp4 38.49 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/5. NPM Scripts & Watching Files.mp4 62.76 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/6. What is Webpack.mp4 11.42 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/7. Setting up a Webpack File.mp4 30.7 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/8. Webpack CLI.mp4 43.77 MB
19. Modern Workflow with Babel & Webpack/9. Introduction to Modules.mp4 84.31 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/1. Adding JavaScript to a Web Page.mp4 26.99 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/10. Null & Undefined.mp4 14.7 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/11. Booleans & Comparisons.mp4 59.26 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/12. Loose vs Strict Comparison.mp4 21.82 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/13. Type Conversion.mp4 25.12 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/2. The Browser Console.mp4 11.02 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/3. Variables, Constants & Comments.mp4 40.56 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/4. Data Types at a Glance.mp4 34.63 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/5. Strings.mp4 71.97 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/6. Common String Methods.mp4 27.62 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/7. Numbers.mp4 55.65 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/8. Template Strings.mp4 36.31 MB
2. JavaScript Basics/9. Arrays.mp4 52.34 MB
20. Project - UI Library/1. Project Preview & Setup.mp4 33.6 MB
20. Project - UI Library/2. CSS & Style Loaders (webpack).mp4 47.94 MB
20. Project - UI Library/3. Tooltips.mp4 133.25 MB
20. Project - UI Library/4. Dropdowns.mp4 102.32 MB
20. Project - UI Library/5. Tabbed Content.mp4 171.42 MB
20. Project - UI Library/6. Snackbars.mp4 93.88 MB
20. Project - UI Library/7. Extending the Library.mp4 11.72 MB
21. Next Steps/1. Bonus Lecture Next Steps.mp4 31.87 MB
3. Control Flow Basics/1. What is Control Flow.mp4 8.34 MB
3. Control Flow Basics/10. Switch Statements.mp4 33.84 MB
3. Control Flow Basics/11. Variables & Block Scope.mp4 47.16 MB
3. Control Flow Basics/2. For Loops.mp4 43.51 MB
3. Control Flow Basics/3. While Loops.mp4 19.65 MB
3. Control Flow Basics/4. Do While Loops.mp4 11.6 MB
3. Control Flow Basics/5. If Statements.mp4 25.43 MB
3. Control Flow Basics/6. Else & Else If.mp4 24.68 MB
3. Control Flow Basics/7. Logical Operators.mp4 35.09 MB
3. Control Flow Basics/8. Logical NOT.mp4 14.15 MB
3. Control Flow Basics/9. Break & Continue.mp4 24.46 MB
4. Functions & Methods/1. What are Functions.mp4 17.35 MB
4. Functions & Methods/2. Function Declarations & Expressions.mp4 34.09 MB
4. Functions & Methods/3. Arguments & Parameters.mp4 24.6 MB
4. Functions & Methods/4. Returning Values.mp4 25.5 MB
4. Functions & Methods/5. Arrow Functions.mp4 60.8 MB
4. Functions & Methods/6. Functions vs Methods.mp4 17.3 MB
4. Functions & Methods/7. Foreach Method & Callbacks.mp4 48.93 MB
4. Functions & Methods/8. Callback Functions in Action.mp4 27.71 MB
5. Object Literals/1. Objects at a Glance.mp4 16.36 MB
5. Object Literals/2. Creating an Object Literal.mp4 44.06 MB
5. Object Literals/3. Adding Methods.mp4 20.65 MB
5. Object Literals/4. 'this' Keyword.mp4 52.9 MB
5. Object Literals/5. Objects in Arrays.mp4 32.59 MB
5. Object Literals/6. Math Object.mp4 33.41 MB
5. Object Literals/7. Primitive vs Reference Types.mp4 63.27 MB
6. The Document Object Model/1. Interacting with the Browser.mp4 13.88 MB
6. The Document Object Model/10. Event Basics (click events).mp4 62.21 MB
6. The Document Object Model/11. Creating & Removing Elements.mp4 60.26 MB
6. The Document Object Model/12. Event Bubbling (and delegation).mp4 89.93 MB
6. The Document Object Model/13. More DOM Events.mp4 90.21 MB
6. The Document Object Model/14. Building a Popup.mp4 65.71 MB
6. The Document Object Model/2. The DOM Explained.mp4 29.77 MB
6. The Document Object Model/3. The Query Selector.mp4 46.71 MB
6. The Document Object Model/4. Other Ways to Query the DOM.mp4 36.78 MB
6. The Document Object Model/5. Adding & Changing Page Content.mp4 63.17 MB
6. The Document Object Model/6. Getting & Setting Attributes.mp4 38.86 MB
6. The Document Object Model/7. Changing CSS Styles.mp4 40.95 MB
6. The Document Object Model/8. Adding & Removing Classes.mp4 83.12 MB
6. The Document Object Model/9. Parents, Children & Siblings.mp4 80.26 MB
7. Forms & Form Events/1. Events Inside Forms.mp4 8.4 MB
7. Forms & Form Events/2. Submit Events.mp4 45.93 MB
7. Forms & Form Events/3. Regular Expressions.mp4 56.46 MB
7. Forms & Form Events/4. Testing RegEx Patterns.mp4 54.59 MB
7. Forms & Form Events/5. Basic Form Validation.mp4 33.2 MB
7. Forms & Form Events/6. Keyboard Events.mp4 69.59 MB
8. Project - Interactive Ninja Quiz/1. Project Preview & Setup.mp4 11.78 MB
8. Project - Interactive Ninja Quiz/2. Bootstrap Basics.mp4 58.69 MB
8. Project - Interactive Ninja Quiz/3. HTML Template.mp4 105.89 MB
8. Project - Interactive Ninja Quiz/4. Checking Answers.mp4 69.86 MB
8. Project - Interactive Ninja Quiz/5. Showing the Score.mp4 53.04 MB
8. Project - Interactive Ninja Quiz/6. The Window Object.mp4 58.45 MB
8. Project - Interactive Ninja Quiz/7. Intervals & Animating the Score.mp4 49.89 MB
9. Array Methods/1. Filter Method.mp4 46.42 MB
9. Array Methods/2. Map Method.mp4 55.79 MB
9. Array Methods/3. Reduce Method.mp4 43.41 MB
9. Array Methods/4. Find Method.mp4 14.49 MB
9. Array Methods/5. Sort Method.mp4 77.09 MB
9. Array Methods/6. Chaining Array Methods.mp4 45.38 MB