[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Angular Testing Masterclass (Angular 15)
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c42f6d42b398ce66c3a76b5a5af634072be4919a&dn=[FreeCourseSite.com] Udemy - Angular Testing Masterclass (Angular 15)
2.18 GB
2024-1-11 10:17
2024-12-26 01:38
1 - Course Kickoff Development Environment Setup/1 - Angular Testing Course Helicopter View.mp4 97.93 MB
1 - Course Kickoff Development Environment Setup/10 - Angular Unit Testing Best Practices and commonly used Test Utilities.mp4 40.5 MB
1 - Course Kickoff Development Environment Setup/3 - Angular Testing Course Development Environment Setup.mp4 51.94 MB
1 - Course Kickoff Development Environment Setup/5 - Quick Introduction to Jasmine Test Suites and Specifications.mp4 61.2 MB
1 - Course Kickoff Development Environment Setup/6 - StepbyStep Implementation of our First Jasmine Specification.mp4 63.29 MB
1 - Course Kickoff Development Environment Setup/7 - Unit Testing with Jasmine Introduction to Jasmine Spies.mp4 101.44 MB
1 - Course Kickoff Development Environment Setup/8 - Structuring Angular Unit Tests Test Setup using beforeEach.mp4 37.78 MB
1 - Course Kickoff Development Environment Setup/9 - Using Dependency Injection in Angular Testing The Angular TestBed.mp4 76.36 MB
2 - Angular Service Testing In Depth/11 - Testing Angular HTTP Services Test Setup with the HttpClientTestingModule.mp4 30.44 MB
2 - Angular Service Testing In Depth/12 - Angular HTTP Service Testing StepbyStep Implementation.mp4 69.67 MB
2 - Angular Service Testing In Depth/13 - Preventing Unintended HTTP Requests using the HTTP Testing Controller.mp4 27.87 MB
2 - Angular Service Testing In Depth/14 - Testing Angular HTTP Data Modification Services.mp4 30.37 MB
2 - Angular Service Testing In Depth/15 - Angular HTTP Services Testing Error Handling.mp4 33.97 MB
2 - Angular Service Testing In Depth/16 - Angular HTTP Testing Checking HTTP Request Parameters.mp4 50.11 MB
3 - Angular Component Testing In Depth/18 - Introduction to Angular Component Testing Presentational Components.mp4 49.43 MB
3 - Angular Component Testing In Depth/19 - Angular Component Testing Test Setup with the async Test Utility.mp4 49.53 MB
3 - Angular Component Testing In Depth/20 - Angular Component Testing DOM Interaction.mp4 69.63 MB
3 - Angular Component Testing In Depth/21 - Angular Test Debugging How to Trigger Change Detection.mp4 29.23 MB
3 - Angular Component Testing In Depth/22 - Angular Component Testing Course Card List Test Suite Conclusion.mp4 35.76 MB
3 - Angular Component Testing In Depth/23 - Testing Angular Smart or Container Components Test Setup.mp4 116.33 MB
3 - Angular Component Testing In Depth/24 - Mocking Observablebased Services Testing the Home Component.mp4 39.43 MB
3 - Angular Component Testing In Depth/25 - Container Component Test Suite The Home Component.mp4 19.8 MB
3 - Angular Component Testing In Depth/26 - Simulating User DOM Interaction in Angular Unit Tests.mp4 116.06 MB
4 - Asynchronous Angular Testing In Depth/27 - Introduction to Asynchronous Angular Testing Understanding Jasmine done.mp4 85.94 MB
4 - Asynchronous Angular Testing In Depth/28 - Understanding Asynchronous Testing a Simple Example.mp4 63.6 MB
4 - Asynchronous Angular Testing In Depth/29 - Understanding the Angular fakeAsync Testing Zone.mp4 68.2 MB
4 - Asynchronous Angular Testing In Depth/30 - Testing Promisedbased code Introduction to Microtasks.mp4 76.44 MB
4 - Asynchronous Angular Testing In Depth/31 - Testing Promisebased code with fakeAsync Understanding flushMicrotasks.mp4 21.18 MB
4 - Asynchronous Angular Testing In Depth/32 - Testing Asynchronous Code with fakeAsync Full Example.mp4 31.14 MB
4 - Asynchronous Angular Testing In Depth/33 - Using fakeAsync to test Asynchronous Observables.mp4 32.47 MB
4 - Asynchronous Angular Testing In Depth/34 - fakeAsync in Practice Fixing the Home component tests.mp4 73.6 MB
4 - Asynchronous Angular Testing In Depth/36 - Understanding the Angular waitForAsync Test Zone.mp4 96.21 MB
5 - Angular E2E End to End Testing with Cypress/37 - Angular E2E End to End Testing Getting Started with Cypress.mp4 37.36 MB
5 - Angular E2E End to End Testing with Cypress/38 - Angular E2E End To End Test Hello World with Cypress.mp4 44.14 MB
5 - Angular E2E End to End Testing with Cypress/39 - How to Mock an HTTP Backend using Cypress.mp4 50.18 MB
5 - Angular E2E End to End Testing with Cypress/40 - Simulating User Interaction in Cypress End to End Tests.mp4 31.77 MB
6 - Preparing an Angular Application for Continuous Integration CI/41 - Angular CLI Code Coverage and Deployment in Production Mode.mp4 52.12 MB
6 - Preparing an Angular Application for Continuous Integration CI/42 - Preparing an Angular Application for Continuous Integration CI.mp4 45.37 MB
6 - Preparing an Angular Application for Continuous Integration CI/43 - Running Cypress E2E Tests using Travis CI.mp4 57.44 MB
7 - Conclusion/45 - Angular Testing Course Conclusions and Key Takeaways.mp4 66.43 MB