[FreeCourseLab.com] Udemy - Complete Linux Training Course to Get Your Dream IT Job 2019
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c5876719c69445a5ae149cdb8167e5b96e4de0c7&dn=[FreeCourseLab.com] Udemy - Complete Linux Training Course to Get Your Dream IT Job 2019
9 GB
2020-2-5 22:27
2025-3-14 17:52
1. Chapter 1/1. Syllabus Overview.mp4 29.38 MB
1. Chapter 1/3. Thank You.mp4 21.65 MB
10. Module 9 - All About Resume/1. Welcome to Module 9.mp4 507.02 KB
10. Module 9 - All About Resume/2. Resume Workshop.mp4 108.49 MB
10. Module 9 - All About Resume/3. Cover Letter.mp4 99.35 MB
10. Module 9 - All About Resume/4. Linux Administrator Job Duties.mp4 63.3 MB
10. Module 9 - All About Resume/5. Exposure to Other Technologies.mp4 22.08 MB
11. Module 10 - All About Interview/1. Welcome to Module 10.mp4 525.26 KB
11. Module 10 - All About Interview/10. Join Linux Community.mp4 18.34 MB
11. Module 10 - All About Interview/2. What is IT.mp4 13.72 MB
11. Module 10 - All About Interview/3. IT Components.mp4 6.34 MB
11. Module 10 - All About Interview/4. Facts about IT.mp4 28.1 MB
11. Module 10 - All About Interview/5. Linux around us.mp4 10.17 MB
11. Module 10 - All About Interview/6. Linux Operating System Jobs.mp4 44.45 MB
11. Module 10 - All About Interview/7. IT Management Jobs.mp4 8.47 MB
11. Module 10 - All About Interview/8. Post Resume and What to Expect.mp4 43.68 MB
11. Module 10 - All About Interview/9. Interview Workshop.mp4 83.78 MB
12. Course Recap/1. Welcome to Course Recap.mp4 551.5 KB
12. Course Recap/2. Commands We Have Learned.mp4 375.43 MB
12. Course Recap/3. Don't Give up.mp4 27.21 MB
12. Course Recap/4. Congratulations.mp4 1.02 MB
13. Additional Resources/1. Welcome to Bonus Section.mp4 518.27 KB
13. Additional Resources/2. VMWare Workstation Player (Optional).mp4 58.06 MB
13. Additional Resources/3. Create VMWare VM.mp4 75.54 MB
13. Additional Resources/4. Install Oracle Virtualbox on MAC.mp4 86.57 MB
13. Additional Resources/5. Install Oracle Guest Addition (Tools).mp4 74.06 MB
13. Additional Resources/6. Troubleshooting Putty Connection.mp4 126.5 MB
13. Additional Resources/7. Changing Default File Permissions (umask).mp4 59.21 MB
13. Additional Resources/8. Filesystem Color Definition.mp4 149.97 MB
2. Module 1 - Understanding Linux Concepts/1. Welcome to Module 1.mp4 636.17 KB
2. Module 1 - Understanding Linux Concepts/2. Everyday Linux.mp4 18.74 MB
2. Module 1 - Understanding Linux Concepts/3. What is Linux.mp4 23.75 MB
2. Module 1 - Understanding Linux Concepts/4. Unix vs. Linux.mp4 19.18 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/1. Welcome to Module 2.mp4 700.93 KB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/10. Virtual Machine Management.mp4 94.28 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/11. Linux Distributions.mp4 11.03 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/12. Linux vs. Windows.mp4 31.43 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/13. Who Uses Linux.mp4 11.88 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/2. Virtual Box.mp4 3.27 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/3. Installing Oracle Virtual Box.mp4 39.01 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/4. Creating First Virtual Machine.mp4 7.24 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/5. Different Ways to Install Linux.mp4 16.55 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/6. Linux CentOS Installation.mp4 225.15 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/7. Message for Redhat Installation.mp4 2.7 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/8. Download & Install Redhat Linux.mp4 88.84 MB
3. Module 2 - Download, Install and Configure/9. Linux Desktop (GUI).mp4 52.19 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/1. Welcome to Module 3.mp4 655.26 KB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/10. File System Paths.mp4 7.25 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/11. Directory Listing Attributes.mp4 4.76 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/12. Creating Files and Directories (touch, cp, vi, mkdir).mp4 83.35 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/13. Linux File Types.mp4 5.41 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/14. Finding Files and Directories (find, locate).mp4 78.44 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/15. Difference Between Find and Locate Commands.mp4 40.63 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/16. Changing Password.mp4 26.65 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/17. WildCards (, , ^, []).mp4 91.99 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/18. Soft and Hard Links (ln).mp4 110.03 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/19. How to open Image File through Command Line.mp4 70.09 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/2. Accessing Linux System.mp4 4.9 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/3. Download and Install Putty.mp4 25.49 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/4. New Network Command (ifconfig and ip).mp4 39.04 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/5. Connect Linux VM via Putty.mp4 63.61 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/6. Important Things to Remember in Linux.mp4 1.69 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/7. Introduction to Linux File System.mp4 54.3 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/8. FileSystem Structure and Description.mp4 79.36 MB
4. Module 3 - System Access and File System/9. File System Navigation Commands (cd , ls and pwd).mp4 16.83 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/1. Welcome to Module 4.mp4 523.74 KB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/10. File Maintenance Commands (cp, rm, mv, mkdir, rmdir).mp4 112.9 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/11. File Display Commands (cat, less, more, head, tail, vi).mp4 80.47 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/12. Filters Text Processing Commands (cut, awk, grep, sort, uniq, wc).mp4 81.92 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/13. Compare Files.mp4 6.31 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/14. Compress and uncompress (tar, gzip, gunzip).mp4 77.25 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/15. Truncate File Size (truncate).mp4 67.23 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/16. Combining and Splitting Files.mp4 53.37 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/17. Linux vs. Windows Commands.mp4 56.05 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/2. Linux Command Syntax.mp4 14.46 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/3. Files and Directory Permissions (chmod).mp4 27.39 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/4. File Ownership Commands (chown, chgrp).mp4 26.43 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/5. Help Commands.mp4 8.16 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/6. TAB Completion and Up Arrow Keys.mp4 9.06 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/7. Adding Text to Files.mp4 25.97 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/8. Standard Output to a File (tee command).mp4 74.54 MB
5. Module 4 - Linux Fundamentals/9. Pipes ( ).mp4 41.78 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/1. Welcome to Module 5.mp4 620.08 KB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/10. System Utility Commands (date, uptime, hostname, uname, which, cal, bc).mp4 66.61 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/11. Processes and Jobs (systemctl, ps, kill, top, crontab, at).mp4 154.69 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/12. Additional cronjobs (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly).mp4 57.6 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/13. Process Management (bg, fg, nice).mp4 108.23 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/14. System Monitoring Commands (df, dmesg, iostat 1, netstat, free, top).mp4 17.21 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/15. System Logs Monitor (varlog).mp4 132.06 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/16. System Maintenance Commands (shutdown, init, reboot, halt).mp4 35.92 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/17. Changing System Hostname (hostnamectl).mp4 38.85 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/18. Finding System Information (uname, dmidecode).mp4 33.58 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/19. System Architecture (arch).mp4 30.94 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/2. Linux File Editor (vi).mp4 25.69 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/20. Terminal Control Keys.mp4 8.17 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/21. Terminal Commands (clear, exit, script).mp4 65.65 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/22. Recover Root Password (single user mode).mp4 46.11 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/23. SOS Report.mp4 60.03 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/3. sed Command.mp4 136.76 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/4. User Account Management (useradd, groupadd, usermod, userdel, groupdel).mp4 131.18 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/5. Switch Users and Sudo Access (su, sudo).mp4 13.07 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/6. Monitor Users (who, last, w, id).mp4 51.61 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/7. Talking to Users (users, wall, write).mp4 71.99 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/8. Linux Directory Service - Account Authentication.mp4 23.64 MB
6. Module 5 - System Administration/9. Difference between Active Directory, LDAP, IDM, WinBIND, OpenLDAP etc..mp4 39.19 MB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/1. Welcome to Module 6.mp4 495.75 KB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/10. Case Statement Scripts.mp4 61.14 MB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/11. Aliases (alias).mp4 97.88 MB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/12. Shell History (history).mp4 30.31 MB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/2. Linux Kernel.mp4 3.04 MB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/3. What is a Shell.mp4 5.98 MB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/4. Types of Shells.mp4 14.47 MB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/5. Shell Scripting.mp4 5.53 MB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/6. Basic Shell Scripts.mp4 110.89 MB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/7. if-then Scripts.mp4 58.98 MB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/8. for Loop Scripts.mp4 57.89 MB
7. Module 6 - Shell Scripting/9. do-while Scripts.mp4 33.03 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/1. Welcome to Module 7.mp4 758.22 KB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/10. System Updates and Repos (rpm, yum).mp4 103.57 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/11. System UpgradePatch Management.mp4 83.12 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/12. Create Local Repository from CDDVD.mp4 145.19 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/13. Advance Package Management.mp4 119.76 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/14. SSH and Telnet.mp4 69.61 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/15. DNS (bind).mp4 14 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/16. Hostname or IP Lookup (nslookup and dig).mp4 37.19 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/17. Network Time Protocol (ntp).mp4 42.81 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/18. chronyd (New Version of NTP).mp4 82.65 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/19. Sendmail.mp4 13.83 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/2. Enable Internet on Linux VM.mp4 31.84 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/20. Web Server (http).mp4 128.99 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/21. Central Logger (rsyslog).mp4 47.28 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/22. Securing Linux Machine (OS Hardening).mp4 288.02 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/23. OpenLDAP Installation.mp4 81.15 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/24. Tracing Network Traffic (traceroute).mp4 48.27 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/3. Network Components.mp4 10.93 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/4. Network Files and Commands (ping, ifconfig, ifup, ifdown, netstat, tcpdump).mp4 106.59 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/5. NIC Information (ethtool).mp4 81.16 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/6. NIC or Port Bonding.mp4 160.91 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/7. Downloading Files or Apps (wget).mp4 64.11 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/8. curl and ping commands.mp4 86.06 MB
8. Module 7 - Networking, Servers, and System Updates/9. File Transfer Commands (ftp, scp, rsync).mp4 95.59 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/1. Welcome to Module 8.mp4 647.33 KB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/10. LVM Configuration During Installation.mp4 153.21 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/11. Add Virtual Disk and Create New LVM Partition (pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate,).mp4 147.27 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/12. Extend Disk using LVM.mp4 146.96 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/13. Adding Swap Space.mp4 133.1 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/14. RAID.mp4 17.1 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/15. File System Check (fsck and xfs_repair).mp4 125 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/16. System Backup (dd Command).mp4 80.42 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/17. Network File System (NFS).mp4 320.11 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/18. Difference Between CentOSRedhat 5, 6 and 7.mp4 139.38 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/2. System Run Levels (0 thru 6).mp4 25.57 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/3. Linux Boot Process.mp4 50.75 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/4. Message of the Day.mp4 4.45 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/5. Customize Message of the Day.mp4 96.4 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/6. Storage.mp4 2.4 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/7. Disk Partition (df, fdisk).mp4 4.85 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/8. Add Disk and Create Standard Partition.mp4 120.08 MB
9. Module 8 - Disk Management and Run Levels/9. Logical Volume Managment (LVM).mp4 23.75 MB